dated June 3, 1940. These photographs show test
pilot Heini Dittmarr preparing for an early, unpowered flight of the prototype to the Komet. This day has been well
photographed and well documented in several publications, showing the same events from different angles than what is
shown in these photographs.
this is the
aircraft Hohmann crash landed. Top Secret Birdcrash
landed. As a result of the two volatile together upon impact,
the aircraft caught fire. Hohmann ", this is the aircraft
Hohmann escaped without injury.crash landed. As a result
of the two volatile fuels mixing together upon impact, the
aircraft caught fire. Hohmann escaped without injury.
A photographed showing the DFS-194. This was the early
version of what would eventually become the ME-163b
Komet rocket interceptor. The date on the reverse side of
the photograph is difficult to read, but it appears the photo
is dated April of 1941.
wrknr 191316 AM 210 - Messerschmitt Me163B - WNr.191316 - coded "Yellow 6" of JG400, found at Husum, by the British On display at the Science Museum in London.