ebay: Messerschmitt Me210 \ Me410 (1 Viewer)

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open bomb weapons bay repro


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Yeah, no bombay on that version
No i know. I explain my way of tagging pictures so i make the least possible double post and make an outside client getting a better result.

In this case tagging wih bombay 210 410 and the replies given will get this picture a better search result. Replies of correcting will follow etc.

For double posts it is just what i see. In this case an open bomb bay now used for guns. But bomb bay is in my eyes the main string. So now if i type in the search in this thread use that word and with my name i get the results i want and the danger of double post is far less.
I even back edit if i find something should have been there. I.g. a number on the fuselage or tail etc.

Once having tagged it so i can (will) not change because results will be split into post before and post after. I take the flak for that.

It is up to you guys to finetune. Wurger has been great in correcting, adding in sometimes very elaborate interesting answers.

Now offcourse i can spent hours on every picture i post from eBay. And make sure all data is correct.
I have more then enough books manuals original stuff that would do good in a medium size museum.
But see it also this way. Once a picture is sold privatly we may never see it again. There is a finite amount of them. I would like to make them accesible even if there is a mark of the seller on it.
It will not last forever.

Just for fun type in the search wednesday with my name. All eBay pics that had a date i transposed to european date i searched the weekday for that date. Data rules.
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