eBay Nose art (all nations)

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Much appreciated!
On the B-26 it's obvious that the figure has a Pachuco (maybe?) style of clothing but on the B-25 nose there is a symbol under the name with a drawing compass and the initials MD in the style of a modern house. For me as an architect, a modern design always means some architectural design from the period of modern architecture (after WWI).
In the case with nose arts it could be both.
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Ford B-24J-10-FO 42-51750 Gang Bang

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Now That would make a rather nice decal..............
I wouldn't touch Gang Bang in this day and age!
A school principal was fired for showing students a photo of the statue of David! Too pornographic parents said!!!!!! WT??????
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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Yves, CATCH 22 They are diving females. Scroll down a bit.... LAST CALL FOR LANCASTERS — Vintage Wings of Canada A few weird mission markings on this site. Next aircraft down has dogs
Thanks Geo! Great source.
I'm following the guys from VW of Canada (from "the other side of the river" - they are in Gatineau - the "French" Ottawa), but didn't get this particular information about the Lancasters earlier. Anyway, good point!
BTW the 'diving girls" remind me of another Varga-girl (they didn't call those models Vargas-girls but Varga-girls, AFAIR the editors of Esquire-magazine changed the name): the August 1944 calendar girl, mirrored and rotated by 90 degrees down.

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