eBay: Soviet Airforce and other arms

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PS ... The aircraft name is a little bit mixed. Either Neman R-10 ( the military designation ) or Kharkiv KhAI-5 ( ХАІ-5 in Ukrainian) , the factory designation. The soviet Aeroflot used the plane under the PS-5 name.
Why the Legion Condor? Just the Franco's Nationalist Air Force. Wearing of the kind of national markings doesn't mean the plane belonged to the German Unit in the Spain.
But a very nice picture though.
Wearing the circled X insignia

True. But the marking is not of the Legion Condor. Although the unit was the German one and was equipped with the German stuff mostly, all planes of the regiment wore the Nationalist Spanish markings. In the same way were marked the planes of the Italian Legion fighting against the Republica AF with Franco's Aviación Nacional together. As a result, the Spanish Civil War nationalist roundel wasn't used by the LC only but just by all Spanish Nationalist Air Force. In other words, not all planes with the markings should be associated with the German Legion Condor there.

It was obviously captured

Naturally I agree.

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