eBay: Soviet Airforce and other arms

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A note though. It's not the UTI kite. That's the I-16 with the windshield like the UTI-4 had. The landing gear propably fixed but it is not obvious. It's very likely the landing grear door could have been removed only

A note though. It's not the UTI kite. That's the I-16 with the windshield like the UTI-4 had. The landing gear propably fixed but it is not obvious. It's very likely the landing grear door could have been removed only
I do think gear is fixed

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I do think gear is fixed

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It is very difficult to state if the landing gear of the I-16 was retractable or fixed. Especially, if the wheel bay doors were removed. Actually there weren't two different landing gears. Just either it was possible to retract it or it was lowered down and blocked. See the pics below.




There are two details that make the ID possible. Both of them are very difficult to notice. These are, the wheel bays and the retracting cables. You may notice in the images below that the wheel bays could be sealed with the fabric patches or plywood usually. But it wasn't a rule and there were I-16s and UTI variants with the wheel bays left open although the landing gear was extended all the time.




Here is enlarged shot of the I-16 wheel with the cable for retracting seen ...


In your enlarged shot both details can be noticed. Therefore I've suggested that the landing gear had the doors removed and could be retractable . But certainly , it could be lowered down and blocked what we may call the fixed one.


the pic source: Polikarpov's I-16 types
Yak-9 aircraft with VK-107A engine. Technical description. Book three. Description of construction and special equipment. Oborongiz. 1948







  • Yak-9 aircraft with VK-107A engine. Technical description. Book three. Description of construc...pdf
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