eBay: Soviet Airforce and other arms

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A nice shot but it is not the Yak-7b but the Yak-1b flown by Cpt. Leonid D. Smirnov a commander of the 148 IAP and then after his death, by Ltn. Mikhail V. Shkomplektov. He landed at the enemy held airfield Apana and was taken the POW on the 11th May 1943. He was captured by the 13 (Slovak)/JG52 personnel. The Yak-1b was of the "White 2" with the inscription on the fusealge behind the cockpit "Сталинскому соколу Леониду Смирнову от трудящихся Фрунзенского района г. Саратова" - To Smirnov Leonid, the Stalin's Falcon, from workers of Frunze District in Saratov. As memo serves there is a couple of shots more of the Yak-1b.

Smirnow Yak-1B_b.jpg

Smirnow Yak-1B_a.jpg

Smirnow Yak-1B_c.jpg

the source: Yakovlev Yak-1
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