I think you're both forgetting something about Britain here. Britain could not have just "surged into Germany" as we had an Empire to protect which was under threat from Germany, Italy and Japan. In Europe the BEF only had 350,000 men of little supply and little in the way of heavy weapons. The BEF was in Europe solely to aid the French, without the French main effort, the BEF could not act on it's own because it was too small.
Even German reports hold nothing against the British as they stated the British would not, and could not, act without the French main forces in Europe. The British had to urge France to declare war on Germany in the first place.
I don't understand your attack on Britain for not shelling German shipyards. After all, America had also forced the Versaille Diktat upon Germany. The whole world from 1933-1938 admired Germany, and that includes America.
France and Britain could have done more. France even more so as it had the largest army in Europe at the time. But then so could have all the world.
Britain, at least, held off Germany and all it's European allies on it's own from June 22nd 1940 to June 21st 1941.