Erich Hartmann and his victories and overclaims over Hungary

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Who the heck was this 777911 guy who created an account just to insult people here. I see Marcel took care of it, but damn, this guy has issues.
I had to laugh, I logged on this morning to see he left two dislikes for me, but had nothing to say. I immediately thought "sock". Didn't see any of his posts, damn it. I bet they were funny reading
We've decided to lock this thread. It's going nowhere and one decided to go all trolling on us. So I think enough is enough, nothing to be learned here anymore. Let's go to other subjects.
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We've decided to lock this thread. It's going nowhere and one decided to go all trolling on us (and I think I know who it was). So I think enough is enough, nothing to be learned here anymore. Let's go to other subjects.

And we were being accused of being confrontational and stuff. :lol:

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