Error message.

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Thanks for the info FBJ I wondered if any of the mods/Horse were aware

Believe it or not, we keep up with these things. Sometimes it takes time. All of us do this in our spare time. Most of us do not have the capability of correcting such a thing. Sometimes it takes to time to get to the bottom of it.

Any time something like this happens, please report it and let us know. We will try and get it fixed as soon as possible.
Alder, no criticism whatsoever. it is precisely for those reasons that I wondered if any of you had been made aware of the error message. aditionally my first thought was that the problem was just mine and not an overall forum problem. None of the posters in the error thread had indicated that they had PMed a mod

No offense was taken, I was just explaining that we are aware of it.
The forum has been working fine for me until today...went to do a search, and voila!

Oops! An error occurred: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused)

I know the mods/admins are aware that there's a prob, just thought I'd mention this since I was doing ok 'till now...dunno if that'll help nail the gremlins down or not...ya' never know
This error is also affecting the Search function. Just an FYI about something else that is affected that may not have been known.

Oops! An error occurred: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused)

Good luck nailing down the problem, hopefully the fix will be fairly easy when the problem is found.

Ditto for me too.
Also the "search" function is kaput too

That got my attention....who in this place is "higher on the food chain that yourself?

That would be Horse, the Admin. (and tech guru I gather )

But on the bright side, the ban button still works....

Hot Spit and Belly Wash....My replies, Search, etc all work. A massive plentitude of thanks and a big wet one to whomsoever fixed whatever went sprong


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Everything that worked before is working again.

I still can't make the second page of the "My Threads" link work when I try to search my own threads though. I only have the problem when I try to use it for my own threads, so far it is working when I search other peoples threads. I thought maybe the link on the top toolbar was different than the link on your userpage so I tried them both. No joy, since I get a blank page when I click on the page two link for my threads no matter which link I use to get to the threads list.

I got this error using IE8 and now I am using Firefox 10 and I am having the same problem.


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