But ...the Germans still started the war. And anyone with a bit a sense knows why, and most of those same people with sense (key words: with sense) don't hold anything against the Germans that just wanted to be free from the Versailles Diktat.
Most of the German people didn't want an Ural to Atlantic Empire, but Hitler did. They didn't all read his book, why should they? Does everyone who votes here read books written by the person they're voting for? And if they didn't read his book, they didn't know what he truely wanted. Even some Jews voted for Hitler ...obviously they didn't read Mein Kampf ...
We all know why, where, when and how Hitler came to power and why, where, when and how Germany was 'pushed into war' by the Versailles Diktat ...
...but...the Germans still started the war. Only those with no sense think otherwise.