F4U-4 Vs FW190 D9

As in which aircraft would out perform the other in a 1-on-1

  • F4U-4

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • FW190 D9 (or other 190 variants)

    Votes: 12 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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He was in the 20th Fighter Group. I wish i had written down all the stories he told me, as a kid i bet i drove him nuts telling me about his flying. he flew F-82's and p-61's in korea out of japan later. He said about the P-47 they would joke about the manuaverabilty of the P-47 at low altitudes, but at higher altitudes it was a different game, the P-47 was a great airplane in it's own right, i read somewhere later that statistically it was the best airplane we had.
I agree on what has been said. The F-4U-1 vs 190D-9 would have been a good comparison but the F-4U-4 really was an exceptional bird. Though I especially remember it being able to carry a payload of 6,000 lbs!

There's a site which claims the F-4U-4 was the best all-round: Chance Vought F4U-4 Corsair

Maximum speed:
F4U-1: 417 mph @ 19,900 ft.
F4U-4: 446 mph @ 26,200 ft.

Rate of climb:
F4U-1: 3,250 ft/min.
F4U-4: 4,170 ft/min.

In terms of maneuverability, all models of the Corsair were first rate. The F4U-4 was better than the F4U-1 series. Why? More power and better performance in the vertical regime. Very few fighters, even pure fighters such as the Yak-3 could hang with an -4 maneuvering in the vertical. Its terrific climbing ability combined with very light and sensitive controls made for a hard fighter to beat anytime the fight went vertical.

The F4U also rolled well. When rolling in conjunction with powerplant torque, in other words, rolling left, it was among the very fastest rolling fighters of the war. In the inventory of American fighters, only the P-47N rolled faster, and only by 6 degrees/second.

In level flight acceleration the F4U-4 gained speed at about 2.4 mph/sec, the P-51D accelerated at about 2.2 mph/sec. The F4U-1 could not keep up with either, accelerating at only 1.5 mph/sec. The real drag racer of American WWII fighters was the P-38L. It gained speed at 2.8 mph/sec. All acceleration data was compiled at 10-15,000 ft at Mil. power settings.

Turning to dive acceleration, we find the F4U-4 and Mustang in a near dead heat. Both the P-47D and P-38L easily out distance the Corsair and P-51D in a dive. Still, these two accelerate better than the opposition from Japan and Germany.


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