On July 16,1951 a F6F taking off from Vichy field north of Rolla Mo lost power and went down in a creek. The pilot walked away only slightly injured. Ihave been to Rolla and read an old newspaper account about the crash. Haven't been able to ever find out about where it went after the crash. Have been to the crash site and nothing there. Talked to a girl that lived on the farm next door. She was told about it when she came home from college. Most people at Vichy airport arrived after 1953 and have no knowledge of it. Most all other area residents are dead or were in nursing homes when i was there about 1993 or so. Went to the sheriffs department and inquired there. I was told to go upstairs and meet this guy. He was very serious(and suspicious of me) in asking me why i wanted the records. Got nothing. It seems that when a sheriff left office then so did all the past records of his administration. Went to the Hiway Patrol in Jefferson City and they had no information at all(they were nice).
Should anyone have any info it would be appreciated.
Should anyone have any info it would be appreciated.