You of course have updated one of some of the original, but off the top of my head m8 the new ones are:
fly-zo's BoB Summer/Fall/Winter Map which includes London Portsmouth.
Falklands Islands which speaks for its self.
Malta - a map based on Malta including all the airbases that were on there during the war: You have 3 version of this with various detail on them m8.
It-new-italy-DF - a different version of the original one you had, but with more objects on it.
kt-east africa - East African Coast line.
Normandy - by fly-zo again and just like his BoB Map has the White Cliffs of Dover included.
kt-channel - just a basic map with not much on it.
CKY-Atlantic - A basic map that comes in two version: summer winter.
and some I can't quite think of off the top of my haed
Best thing to do is to go into FMB and have a look see in what they look like when loaded - Fly-zo's are the best, along with the Malta Maps the Falklands m8 8)