Feeble effort P-51

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Aug 27, 2006
about a year ago i made my first kit which i posted here. it wasn't really good.
i asked lots of questions and everyone helped. I was really inspired by Wayne Little.. his stuff is EXCELLENT!! i only wish one day i can make models as good as his.:D

so here is try no.2. a P-51B Mustang (unknown Polish made kit) not very good quality.. the wheel spars were all wrong and required lots of sanding filling!


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And for me it looks good.I think it is an old INTECH kit.If yes,you really had to use lots of sanding filling.Do you have a pic of its top box?
Well...thanks for your kind words, zuluecho, I' glad that I could help in some way.
Good start... with an 'ordinary' kit, looks pretty good for No.2.
Certainly post some more images, I and others may have further tips and ideas for your future model builds.

Someone once told me "Knowledge not shared is wasted"
thanks guys.. i really appreciate it hehe.. i know the decals didn't come out properly but they weren't very good and i messed up on the gloss coat.. i couldn't see how thick it was coming out most of the time. I'll post more pics when i get home.. and kit details.. YES there was alot of sanding and filling involved.. the landing gears and tail wheel was shaped wrongly in the mold and there was no way possible to stick them so i had to go for the wheels up look.
G'day ZE, not to shabby for your 2nd model. Keep it up M8, the more you do it the better you get. :)
Looks a lot better than my second try.The oldest one I still have is my fourth try.That's over three thousand ago.It hides in a corner where no one can see.
I just can't seem to get rid of it.Keep at it.It only gets better.

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