Feminine Iceburgs???

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Feb 17, 2010
Lakeview, AR
"Glaciers, Gender, and Science—A feminist glaciology framework for global environmental climate change."

This recently published, utterly incomprehensible paper was co-authored by a team of historians at the University of Oregon, and funded via a grant from the National Science Foundation. I hope all you American taxpayers feel like they got their money's worth with this project. From the abstract:

Glaciers are key icons of climate change and global environmental change. However, the relationships among gender, science, and glaciers – particularly related to epistemological questions about the production of glaciological knowledge – remain understudied. This paper thus proposes a feminist glaciology framework with four key components: 1) knowledge producers; (2) gendered science and knowledge; (3) systems of scientific domination; and (4) alternative representations of glaciers. Merging feminist postcolonial science studies and feminist political ecology, the feminist glaciology framework generates robust analysis of gender, power, and epistemologies in dynamic social-ecological systems, thereby leading to more just and equitable science and human-ice interactions.

No it's not April 1st and unfortunately not a joke. Yea he actually wrote: "just and equitable human-ice interactions." In fact the University of Oregon, put out a glowing press release touting its existence.

"What I'm trying to do in my research is provide more of a human story about how shrinking glaciers, warming temperatures, changing precipitation, how that plays out for different people," said lead author Mark Carey, an associate dean of Oregon's history department, in a interview accompanying the press release.

Maybe it's just me but just try to follow along with this paragraph:

Feminist and postcolonial theories enrich and complement each other by showing how gender and colonialism are co-constituted, as well as how both women and indigenous peoples have been marginalized historically (Schnabel, 2014). Feminist glaciology builds from feminist postcolonial science studies, analyzing not only gender dynamics and situated knowledges, but also alternative knowledges and folk glaciologies that are generally marginalized through colonialism, imperialism, inequality, unequal power relations, patriarchy, and the domination of Western science (Harding, 2009).

Remember, this is a paper about how to feminize a giant hunk of ice.

I'm very pro Science and understand that everything studied does not necessarily have an immediate apparent practical value but seriously there should be some limits applied to publicly funded science. This is a prime example where working class people are being forced to fund research on the postcolonial gender theory of melting ice caps.

One last proviso - PLEASE don't turn this into a political Liberal vs. Conservative debate. This is for F U N N Y !!!
I can't see the word patriarchy.... Nope there it is. Buzzword bingo.
Feminist icebergs? Human-ice interaction?
Alternative knowledges? The relationship between genders, science and glaciers?

Do glaciers have a gender?
And then they wonder why the common (person) doesn't take anyone from academia seriously.

Buzzword bingo indeed. Let us count them... I'll get my abacus.
By the way Dr.Carry has a retort for you all: according to Dr. Carey the piece was made fun of because simple minds were unable to grasp the concept presented.
The sinking of the Titanic by an iceberg was the first step in the gender battle against white patriarchy.

But since feminism is a female concept but what about trans gender issues? Is he saying that glaciers have a gender? Did he assume a glaciers gender? Is he being non inclusive by not including glaciers of colour or LGBQT issues? He talks about not been understood by not talking about how large glaciers use micro aggressive tactics against the polar bear community.

Dominance of Western Science? Compared to what other Science? Voodoo? What?

What's this guys doctorate in? Tribal dance? This meteor strike that will destroy the world needs to get its act together coz its overdue and times a wastin.
What I THINK he's trying to say is that under-representation of female scientists has led to poor-quality group-think on the topic of glaciology. However, he's clearly one of those (poor, IMHO) academics who believes they need to demonstrate their intelligence by stringing together 20 long words into an undecipherable sentence.

I prefer the R J Mitchell approach (paraphrasing the comment that was reported by Jeffrey Quill), "If anyone tries to explain something related to aviation and they make it so complex that you can't understand it, take it from me that they're talking balls!"
"If anyone tries to explain something related to aviation and they make it so complex that you can't understand it, take it from me that they're talking balls!"

Two versions of the Euler Equations which describe how the velocity, pressure and density of a moving fluid are related. The equations are named in honor of Leonard Euler, who was a student with Daniel Bernoulli, and studied various fluid dynamics problems in the mid-1700's. The equations are a set of coupled differential equations and they can be solved for a given flow problem by using methods from calculus. Though the equations appear to be very complex, they are actually simplifications of the more general Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics. The Euler equations neglect the effects of the viscosity of the fluid which are included in the Navier-Stokes equations. A solution of the Euler equations is therefore only an approximation to a real fluids problem. For some problems, like the lift of a thin airfoil at low angle of attack, a solution of the Euler equations provides a good model of reality. For other problems, like the growth of the boundary layer on a flat plate, the Euler equations do not properly model the problem.

Our world has three spatial dimensions (up-down, left-right, fore-aft) and one time dimension. In general, the Euler equations have a time-dependent continuity equation for conservation of mass and three time-dependent conservation of momentum equations. At the top of the figure, we show a simplified, two-dimensional, steady form of the Euler equations. There are two independent variables in the problem, the x and y coordinates of some domain. There are four dependent variables, the pressure p, density r, and two components of the velocity vector; the u component is in the x direction, and the v component is in the y direction. All of the dependent variables are functions of both x and y. The differential equations are therefore partial differential equations and not ordinary differential equations that you study in a beginning calculus class.

You will notice that the differential symbol is different than the usual "d /dt" or "d /dx" that you see for ordinary differential equations. The symbol "partial" is used to denote partial differentiation. The symbol indicates that we are to hold all of the independent variables fixed, except the variable next to symbol, when computing a derivative. The set of equations are:

Continuity: partial(r * u)/partialx + partial(r * v)/partialy = 0
X - Momentum: partial(r * u^2)/partialx + partial(r * u * v)/partialy = - partialp/partialx
Y - Momentum: partial(r * u * v)/partialx + partial(r * v^2)/partialy = - partialp/partialy

Although these equations appear very complex, undergraduate engineering students are taught how to derive them in a process very similar to the derivation on the conservation of momentum web. The two momentum equations are two-dimensional generalizations of the conservation of momentum equation. The mass flow rate equation developed on the conservation of mass web page is a one dimensional solution of the continuity equation shown here.

Generalized solutions of these equations are difficult to obtain. Notice that all of the dependent variables appear in each equation. To solve a flow problem, you have to solve all three equations simultaneously; that is why we call this a coupled system of equations. There is actually another equation that is required to solve this system, since we only show three equations for four unknowns. An equation of state relates the pressure and the density of a gas. In the past, engineers made further approximations and simplifications to the equation set until they had a group of equations that they could solve. Recently, high speed computers have been used to solve approximations to the equations using a variety of techniques like finite difference, finite volume, finite element, and spectral methods. This area of study is called Computational Fluid Dynamics or CFD.
View attachment 551070
Two versions of the Euler Equations which describe how the velocity, pressure and density of a moving fluid are related. The equations are named in honor of Leonard Euler, who was a student with Daniel Bernoulli, and studied various fluid dynamics problems in the mid-1700's. The equations are a set of coupled differential equations and they can be solved for a given flow problem by using methods from calculus. Though the equations appear to be very complex, they are actually simplifications of the more general Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics. The Euler equations neglect the effects of the viscosity of the fluid which are included in the Navier-Stokes equations. A solution of the Euler equations is therefore only an approximation to a real fluids problem. For some problems, like the lift of a thin airfoil at low angle of attack, a solution of the Euler equations provides a good model of reality. For other problems, like the growth of the boundary layer on a flat plate, the Euler equations do not properly model the problem.

Our world has three spatial dimensions (up-down, left-right, fore-aft) and one time dimension. In general, the Euler equations have a time-dependent continuity equation for conservation of mass and three time-dependent conservation of momentum equations. At the top of the figure, we show a simplified, two-dimensional, steady form of the Euler equations. There are two independent variables in the problem, the x and y coordinates of some domain. There are four dependent variables, the pressure p, density r, and two components of the velocity vector; the u component is in the x direction, and the v component is in the y direction. All of the dependent variables are functions of both x and y. The differential equations are therefore partial differential equations and not ordinary differential equations that you study in a beginning calculus class.

You will notice that the differential symbol is different than the usual "d /dt" or "d /dx" that you see for ordinary differential equations. The symbol "partial" is used to denote partial differentiation. The symbol indicates that we are to hold all of the independent variables fixed, except the variable next to symbol, when computing a derivative. The set of equations are:

Continuity: partial(r * u)/partialx + partial(r * v)/partialy = 0
X - Momentum: partial(r * u^2)/partialx + partial(r * u * v)/partialy = - partialp/partialx
Y - Momentum: partial(r * u * v)/partialx + partial(r * v^2)/partialy = - partialp/partialy

Although these equations appear very complex, undergraduate engineering students are taught how to derive them in a process very similar to the derivation on the conservation of momentum web. The two momentum equations are two-dimensional generalizations of the conservation of momentum equation. The mass flow rate equation developed on the conservation of mass web page is a one dimensional solution of the continuity equation shown here.

Generalized solutions of these equations are difficult to obtain. Notice that all of the dependent variables appear in each equation. To solve a flow problem, you have to solve all three equations simultaneously; that is why we call this a coupled system of equations. There is actually another equation that is required to solve this system, since we only show three equations for four unknowns. An equation of state relates the pressure and the density of a gas. In the past, engineers made further approximations and simplifications to the equation set until they had a group of equations that they could solve. Recently, high speed computers have been used to solve approximations to the equations using a variety of techniques like finite difference, finite volume, finite element, and spectral methods. This area of study is called Computational Fluid Dynamics or CFD.
I understood the words "Pressure" and "Density".:study:
We all must be up for debate. To be wrong and to be proven to be wrong.

If this guy goes to say that his critics are simple then he ain't learning.

He must be living in his own dream world surrounded by people who think exactly like him to not only be like this but to even create a study like this.
Problem is that this is the debate now.

You can now longer tell what is real and unreal now.

An extreme political agenda with never admitting mistakes and only appealing to your echo chamber is now everything.

This may be a joke but the joke is that it maybe real. And the joke is on us.

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