FIAT CR 32 italian mid-thirties biplane fighter in images and manuals

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Airman 1st Class
May 8, 2012
Hi all people!
This's a dedication to all biplane lovers: the Fiat Cr32, the italian Regia Aeronautica fighter in mid '30; serviced during spanish civil war then in Africa under italians and exported in many countries.
Enjoy her!8)


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  • Fiat CR32 Parts manual part1.pdf
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  • Fiat CR32 Assembly manual CA156.pdf
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  • Fiat CR32 Assembly manual updating CA156.pdf
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Oh Flyboyj!
I'm very glad if helped you. You can find excellent schematics from Paul Matt o Wylam drawing books, I don't remember which ones, for scale modelling!
..... Greetings Tib;

Many of the Bi-Planes build after WW-I but before the Second World War where very nice looking, and
on a pilots view sexy.

Another nice post............... Thanks for sharing it with us ......................


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