**** FINISHED: GB-57 1/72 Fw 190D-9 - WW2 Foreign Service

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Senior Master Sergeant
Jan 12, 2010
User name: destrozas
First name: sergio
Category: intermediate
Scale: 1/72
Manufacturer: zts plastik
Model type: focke wulf fw190 d 9 dora S-012
Extra: karaya decals D7204 Captured Butcherbirds part 3 and imitation of the propeller turning at full capacity and some parts to complete the kit such as the propeller cone that is broken

little info

Originally yhe machine was in 10.staffel, III.Gruppe JG26. When III/JG26 disbanded 25 march 1945, men and machines were re-assigned within JG26. It appears that this "10 black" joined 2./JG26 and the original III. gruppe vertical bar was overpainted at the unit level. After capture at flensburg, the allies overpainted all National markings then added USA15 and the W.Nr. 500618 to the prop blades so when they were removed for shipping and storage, the baldes could be re-asembled to the correct aircraft. Note the last digit, a number "8", has been obliterated form yhe werknummer on the lower prop blade. The complete werknummer can just be barely made out on the far blade.
my interpretation,

The plane is on the lectern since it is in flight position, I want to put it on a levitating base due to repulsion, but FedEx once again gave me the grace to deliver the package late, according to customer service they sent it to another town in Tarragona instead of mine...

In short, this theme is outside the GB so I hope you like it and I hope the coils for the base arrive soon...
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extras pics

the antennas are homemade made with plastic from the sticks (already extinct in Spain, I have to buy them outside Europe to be able to get them), and aluminum wire of 0.2mm and 0.13mm

The finish could be much better, the plastic is rough, it is a junk plane with missing parts and others that weren't even parts.
But here I leave it for you to appreciate.

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