Finished Shots of Each Build....

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Guys I must apologise for not being more activer in following your buildes. Things are ....hectic, shall we say, at the moment.

But I like the finished shots very much. I hope to be in the finishing circle in the next couple of weeks.
And the next model of a Spitfire has been finished. I attached a shot of Cory's ( Catch 22 ) Mk.VIII model.
The next finished build has been attache here - Parsifal's model of a Westland Sea King Mk.50.
Vic's model of a Westland Sea King Mk.50 has been finished and a picture of her was added to the gallery.
The next great build has been finished. A shot of Crimea River's Spitfire Mk.VIII model was attached here.
I hereby formally request that I be issued with some more brain cells, as judging these GBs gets more difficult every time!
Some great stuff here guys, and some noticeable improvements across the categories too.

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