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Interesting story. I also heard that MI-24 HIND managed to shoot down a F-4 with its gun. True or false?

This Sikorsky S-67 looked cool.
Very interesting article there about first helicopter air-to-air kill. I never heard about that before, but I guess it's never too late to learn something new.

Same as Miloš I was also under impression that first helicopter air-to-air kill occurred during Iran-Iraq war when Iraqi Mi-24 shoot down one Iranian F-4. This event was mentioned in a book "Borbeni helikopteri" (Combat Helicopters) by Radomir Vujković and Aleksandar Radić in a context of development and operational use of Mi-24.

As a side note the An-2 is still in use in Serbia in variety of roles from crop dusting to paratroopers training. Don't know how many examples are in use though.
I got a chance a couple of years ago to sit at the controls of an An-2 and actually fly it around for half an hour. For $45!

I met the crew at the Nova Scotia International Air Show, where they had it on static display. They use it as a sky-diving plane, and will take up passengers during their sky-diving flights.

On the day I went for my hop, the pilot told me that after the last jump of the day, they were going to another airport for maintenance work. So we arranged for one of the owners to drive my car to the other field, and I got an extra-long flight. It was a unique and wonderful experience


PS: The company is West River Sky Sports, in case anyone gets to Nova Scotia and wants a flight in the world's biggest biplane.
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Such a deal!

I helped a guy who owned one with his annual condition inspections. Easy airplane to work on but the one I dealt with had an "executive" interior and was kind of plush - hard to get to some inspection items.

Pneumatic brakes, typical of Soviet/ East bloc design with the brake on the yoke. This one had an air pump that replenished the pneumatic system.
For further sources, in the February 2009 issue of Flight Journal Barrett Tillman has an article titled 'An Unlikely Shootdown - Duel at Lima Site 85'. He also cites a book by Timothy Castle titled "One Day Tool Long - The Story of Top Secret Site 85 and the Bombing of North Vietnam" published by Columbia University Press.

According to the article, the Huey pilot was Theodore H. Moore, an Army gunship pilot, and the crew chief was Glenn R. Wood. Moore survived the war and Wood was KIA in a helo crash 18 months later.
Well, the one I was in certainly had no executive amenities. It was all scuffed white paint, hard angled metal, and exposed fasteners, even the seats. It was like an airborne version of a '30's farm tractor. It went about as fast, too

We had an AN2 crop duster from Cuba drop in on us at NAS Key West one morning in the early 70s. Sneaked in under the radar just as tower and approach control were in the middle of a shift change. The massive hopper was jammed full of refugees who had had enough of Fidel's workers paradise. The pilot had "waterskiied" on the plane's massive tundra tires all the way from some little strip in Oriente Province at about 40 knots. Immigration came and rounded up the people and some special ops guys from Eglin flew the plane out after dark, and nobody off base even knew it happened.
Iranian F-4 Phantom II Units in Combat - Google Book Search

This is the link to the article about the Iraq/Iran war where there is a claim that the Iraqi Mi-24 shot down an Iranian F-4.

Hope the link works

Iranian F-4 was intercepted and shot down by Iraqi MiG -23 flown by Capt. Samir Yaser, Not by Chopper.
It was heavily damaged due to an engagement with 3 Iraqi choppers at "Jafir", an small town in Khuzistan.
Pilots were Ejected and rescued with a SAR team.

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