Flags of our Fathers

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 17, 2006
Brisbane Queensland
Went and saw this latest movie from the Clint Eastwood directed movie. Found it very good and enjoyable movie. Flags of our Fathers in my opinion worth the time and effort to see, i recommend find some time and view it
good movie. yes wildcat saw the part you were referring to and also the Corsairs attacking the island with rockets bombs and machine guns was good special effects. I am not going to say any more as it would spoil it for others. but wildcat i did buy the DVD movie Kokoda last week and plan on buying next week for myself the book written by General Peter Cosgrove. should go very well with my copy of the War Diaries of Weary Dunlop. all i can say is this Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Kokoda's a great movie too, I'll have to grab a copy of that on DVD as well. At the moment I'm waiting on my Whispering death DVD to arrive from the war Memorial - just wish it would hurry up and get here!!
I met Gen Cosgrove once when I was in the Persian Gulf, I thought I would go over to him and say G'day, only to have him turn around and question me whether my sunnies complied with Army dress Standards!! I replied with a quick no sir and got the hell outta there!

thats a typical response. went to meet a military celebrity and got spurned for it hahaha

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