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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
I just did a test on my I-16 using Tamiya Flat Clear XF-86(not to be confused with Tamiya Flat Base XF-21), this after the debacle with the PBY.(I don't know why I did both elevators ) Once again the flat went cloudy, see photos below, the circled part shows where I missed. The gloss coat was Future and had 8 days to cure so I'm pretty sure it's not a reaction of the two. I have used this flat on 40+ models without a mishap. I've got one unopened bottle which I'll try on a different location and if that is still a problem, I have a spray bomb of acrylic flat. So now comes the question, what else is out there? My only options, here in the middle of nowhere, are Tamiya, Vallejo and Warhammer from Prince George, a 4hr roundtrip. Online, a bottle of any brand runs about 5$ and shipping, about 15$. Hannants offers a 75ml bottle, with shipping, for the princely sum of 45$ish.

I seem to be having the same problem Geo.
I used to mix my own matt or semi-matt clear coats, using a mix of 'Future' and Tamiya Flat Base, the amount of FB determining the degree of matt, from full matt, via semi-matt to semi-gloss.
You could try this, which has worked exceptionally well for me for years, but the last time I tried it (on the P-47), I got a few areas where it 'speckled' and/or went chalky. Now this might have been the 'Future' which, being the 'newer' stuff, already a milky color as opposed to the original, crystal clear product, was a couple of years old, and had started to gain a slight brownish tinge.
Try it by adding the Flat Base a bit at a time, stirring thoroughly, and coating a piece of scrap and letting it dry thoroughly. Adjust the amount of FB until to you achieve what's required.
I've since tried various matt acrylics, and they've all dried 'chalky', even when used and thinned as directed, and that includes the normally excellent Xtracrylic matt from Hannant's.
Maybe it's because of changes in formulation due to new 'rules', who knows?
But I'm still looking for a good matt varnish, and to an extent, a replacement for 'Future'.
I am no expert by anybody's means and maybe I should keep my nose out of this as you guys are far more enlightened then my self. But I do like the Vallejo including the matte and semi matte and gloss.
I've never experienced this reaction with Tamyia Flat Clear however I have never used it straight. Like you I spray the entrie model with Future (the old stuff 4yo) let cure, decals go on and dry and my final coat is and always has been a 50/50 mix of Future and the Flat Clear. I've never had a bit of chalkiness.
My only thought is humidity when you sprayed and allowed to cure
George, is there no way you could get your hands on a rattle can of Testors Dull Cote? I used this before I got my first air brush and it always worked petty good although not quite as good a finish as I get with Dull Cote through an airbrush.
Just nuked the model with a spray bomb of Krylon© Matte, Glenn. When the papermill went down, I went "shopping" and grabbed about a dozen or so Matte, Semi-matte, and Gloss cans of this stuff but as everyone know, not a very economical solution.(Well, in my case, free is economical )

I use this now Geo and am pretty happy. Dries in minutes and most stores here have it. Tried the Tamiya flat clear once and left a finger print in it after 3 days of cure time. So much for that.... EDIT: NOT TRUE! It was the Tamiya GLOSS Clear that I had trouble with

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Thanks for that Andy. I got to thinking that I used to use Pollyscale Flat a lot. Once you get past the odd smell, it worked very well. Sound a lot like your brand. There's no Model Master in PG and a check on eBay saw some going for 13$US+. I purchased some Mr. Hobby Aqueous Hobby Color from China on eBay for less than 5$CDN, free shipping so I may wait for that to show up again.


EDIT: speak of the devil...

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Thanks for the offer Andy. I purchased some flat from the site link in Post#5 this afternoon. I'll try those first and if I don't like 'em I'll take you up on it.

I have always used vallejo matt, satin and gloss as well as marabu enamel gloss

without problems until the day

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