[Flight manual] Ki-43 Oscar study

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Feb 10, 2022
Hi gents

Would ask for your help

About some Japanese words in the Ki-43-I manual (PDF 一式戦闘機説明書) (P.S. of course I have browsed the site 一式戦闘機「隼」研究所 which presents smiplified manual of type II )

Although using web translate, some of the words in the PDF remain Incomprehensible. Could partially because they are not modern Japanese?

Anyway I have had em bolded.

1.Landing gear
p17.四十一. ...(脚を昇降)先づ"カム"を操作し... : What/where exactly is the "カム" handle in the cockpit?

2.Start up
p47. 百七十一. (始動)五. 使用せんと(or: セント)する燃料"tank"に"cock"を切換へ...

3.Warm up
p48. 百七十三. (運轉)一. ...滑油壓力...二十乃至三十秒以內に油壓上昇せざるときは...

4.Shut down
p48. 百七十四 (停止) ... 高空弁操作槓桿を全開にするものとす但し高空弁操作槓桿を全開とするも停止せざるのみか却つて回轉を增し順調なる運轉を為す場合は微速時に於ける混合"gas"が濃過ぎる為なるを以て调整する...

Thanks !

I have no photo of the port side of the cockpit.
So, here are 3 CG pics I got.


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They can be read in modern writing like these -

1.Landing gear
p17. 41. ... (脚を昇降)先ず"カム"を操作し...
(For the landing gear up/down) Handle the "cam" first...

2.Start up
p47. 171. (始動)5. 使用せんとする燃料タンクにコックを切換え...
(For starting engine) 5. Set the fuel cock to the tank you are going to use...

3.Warm up
p48. 173. (運転)1. ... 滑油圧力...20乃至30秒以内に油圧上昇せざるときは...
(For running the engine) 1. If the lubricant pressure does not raise within 20 or 30 seconds...

4.Shut down
p48. 174 (停止) ... 高空弁操作槓桿を全開にするものとす 但し高空弁操作槓桿を全開とするも停止せざるのみか 却って回転を増し 順調なる運転をなす場合は 微速時における混合ガスが濃すぎる為なので 調整する(べし)
(For stopping the engine) ... Set the high altitude valve rod to Full Open but, in spite of this, if the engine not only does not stop but also even increases the rotation like a normal running, adjust the gas mixture as it is too thick at slow running
It's like knowing a guy who has all of Hideo Itokawa's files in his attic. I would not be surprised if Shinpachi-San has Jiro Horikoshi's favorite recipes too.
Thank you very much, SaparotRob.
As I was working for an old factory which was built in 1942 with old drawings and facilities, this kind of research is not necessarily unfamiliar work for me though it is not easier to find out old data nowadays.

A Sumitomo's factory then and now

Source: JAXA
Before I worked for a commuter railroad, I worked in factories. I loved working in factories. Scheduling, bills of material, Kan-Ban and my favorite; researching manufacturing records. (That was a treat!)
I have no technical training but I had a "gift".
1.カム handle = 2-way handle

It does make sense since hydraulic oil will go though the 2-way cock then to the U/D selector cock.

That's why one need to open the 2-way cock before he can operate the landing gear/flap handles.

2. Does it(M) represents the emergency hand operated cock?

3. Trying to figure out parts to the port side:

1. Elevator trim
2. Landing gear handle
3. Flap handle
4. Handle of the anti dust mesh in the oil cooler air intake?
5. ?
6. Drop tank selector
7. Fuel tank selector
8. Fuel hand pump
blank. Hydraulic pressure gauge
Shinpachi Your illustration of the starboard side is helpful, do you have the port side one? Those CG pictures maybe not correct.

4. It should have a engine prime handle some where.
Because in the manual, start up section
p47. 百七十一. 六 燃料注射... (except for cold weather, it does not have to prime the engine)

Didn't expect that カム handle = 2-way handle (why did they use different names in the manual )


Which name is used usually depends on who the target of the manual is.

For a pilot - they are only interested in the control (handle/lever/wheel/knob) that they must move.

For the maintenance person - they are interested in the complete assembly which includes the handle/lever/ etc if directly operated or the unit with its remote control linkage/pulley/sprocket if not.

I may in the future be able to supply photos of Ki-43 cockpits I took in the early 1970s. The instruments and control columns were missing but most of the other controls were still in the aircraft. I recently found all my missing negative albums and will slowly go through and digitize them. I say slowly because there are thousands of negatives and many are stuck inside the negative holders. I am still researching the best way to release them without damage to the negative. Some say use distilled water, others say various chemicals and never use water, etc etc and I need to determine what is best as I do not want to damage any. I have sent the movie film to a US source for cleaning and digitizing and hopefully they will do a good job. I chose one who is well regarded going by internet reviews so I hope the reviews are accurate.
... I may in the future be able to supply photos of Ki-43 cockpits I took in the early 1970s. The instruments and control columns were missing but most of the other controls were still in the aircraft. ...
That is ... AMAZING !

... I recently found all my missing negative albums and will slowly go through and digitize them. ...
I see myself also have tones of reference pictures of many different topics remain unsorted. But definitely your work gonna be rather time consuming, GOOD LUCK !

Your M is a hand pump for emergency use. Oil flows from Tank to M, and M to 2-way cock as there is one way valve(弁歸不 or 不帰弁 in modern writing).
I have no idea about the port side details at the moment.
Your M is a hand pump for emergency use. Oil flows from Tank to M, and M to 2-way cock as there is one way valve(弁歸不 or 不帰弁 in modern writing).
I have no idea about the port side details at the moment.
Thanks for the confirmation !

Additionally, I am also confused, when pp refering to the so called "auto/manual mixture control" of a Zeke
(off topic, but anyway they share the almost same engine so I'd ask the question here ) :

As far as I can tell according to the Illegible A6M3取扱説明書抄録, that "A" is so called "高度弁操作把手" (mixture control handle).

It did neither refer to "auto" nor "manual", and I can't find any diagram refering "B" in it.

The only original reference that use the term "auto/manual" is a war time test report by the US.

Saids one is "mixture control"(probably B) which makes the mixture automatic when positioned to the rear.

While the other one is manually operated "idling mixture control"(probably A) which leans the mixture when warming up.

(I do not fully trust the US source)

So, what exactly are handle A & B for ?

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