Floating Navigation Arrows keep popping in and out

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Nov 16, 2008
I have the floating arrows feature disabled in my preferences but these arrows keep showing up. They obscure the scroll bar on my page and so are annoying. I tried taking a screen shot but the damned things disappear again when I hit the snip tool icon. What's up?
Perhaps some of the recent updating. Please check if the option is still disabled in your preferences.
I was using them quite often but these arrows really didn't disturb me both on mobile or laptop. Anyway I have noticed that the recent updating of a net browser caused some issues. So it might be the reason.
Don't know, I have it in both Firefox and Chromium, which both have different web-engines. Console doesn't show error's. so I'm assuming it's something in the backend. We need Horse back for a few days to fix some issues there.

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