On mission mornings the UK air space was saturated with aircraft making take off and formation dangerous and challenging. Aircraft started their take off roll every 30 seconds. The Group Lead Squadron first, High Squadron second and Low Squadron third. The indicated air speed was 150 MPH and rate of climb 400 FPM. On a clear day the Lead squadron formed at 2,000 feet, high 3,000 feet and low 1,000 feet. Tail gunners in each B-17 flashed the letter "C" with an Aldis lamp until formation was completed. We circled the East-West runway while forming. Darkness and instrument take off conditions complicated the procedure. We had to find clear sky so the forming altitudes were higher but still with 1,000 foot separation. Squadron Leaders fired flares (different colors) at regular intervals. The assembly took place over the Harrington Buncher Beacon located about 15 miles West of the runway. I was in the bombay pulling fuse cotter keys while all of this was taking place so I didn't have to experience this frightening period. However, on one occasion I got back to the nose in time to see a squadron of Lancasters crossing our path about four miles ahead. Tough way to begin every mission.
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