Forts, Fortifications, Citadels etc.

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Treasury! The famed sight at Petra. This is what the locals mistakenly thought this was and that was only just over a 100 years ago, it has lots of bullet scars where they started shooting at it.

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That is the first colour image I ever saw. A teacher at my junior school went there and gave a "slide show" when he came back entitled "Petra, rose red city of human sacrifice". He would get sacked for causing mass trauma amongst staff and pupils today.
If he had passed some Chemistry / biology, he would know that even blood's color, is caused by Iron.
A German machine gun emplacement on the outskirts of the Belgian town of Mesen in the location of the German Uhlan Trench. This was the objective of the troops of the New Zealand Division on the Western Front in June 1917. In the background can be seen the New Zealand memorial erected following the town's successful capture from the Germans. Note the unusual structure of the bunker, within its interior was stored ammunition and machine gunners were perched on the outside at the far end of the emplacement, rather than enclosed within the structure. This face is facing the enemy advance.

Great War Tour 100

On these emplacements, the machine gunners perched behind the bunker on the steps visible, firing their guns over the roof, with ammunition placed in the slot to the right of the step, which was passed from within the bunker's interior, whose entrance can be seen.

Great War Tour 101

The Uhlan trench was located up a considerable slope, which opened up to a flat plain, on which the Germans could witness troop movements over quite a distance. This is the view from the trench looking toward the location of where the New Zealand troops advanced, approximately where the road is located, beginning their march from the farm buildings at centre right in front of the line of trees. At the time this was known as Stinking Farm...

Great War Tour 99

This is the view of the memorial site up the ridge from where the New Zealanders approached the Uhlan trench, giving the battlefield its name, Messines Ridge. The Germans definitely had the high ground. The road is now named Nieuw-Zeelanderstraat.

Great War Tour 98

Olavinlinna Castle was founded in 1475 by Swedish nobleman Erik Axelsson Tott. Situated on a small island in Lake Saimaa it was one of the most modern fortresses of its time, consisting of a citadel, a bailey and five round cannon towers.
During the Great Nordic War (1700 – 1721) Russia conquered parts of southern Finland and in the Russo-Swedish War 1741 – 1743 Sweden tried to win back lost territories. Olavinlinna was captured by the Russians in 1742, and when peace was settled it became one in a line of Russian border fortresses and an army base, modernized under the surveillance of the famous Russian Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov.
After the Finnish War of 1808 – 1809 Finland became an autonomous part of Russia. The castle lost its strategic function and became a tourist attraction.
The first opera festival at Olavinlinna castle was organized in 1912 and it is now every year in July the scene of the Savonlinna Opera Festival. Guided tours and events are organized all year round in the castle.

Photo: reginareinette

The Fort of the Berlengas stands as a stoic sentinel on Berlenga Grande, a rugged island off the coast of Portugal. Built in the 17th century, this fortress served as a crucial defensive bastion against pirates and foreign invaders who sought to challenge Portuguese sovereignty. Its strategic location atop sheer cliffs provided an unparalleled vantage point, commanding views of the surrounding sea, ensuring the safety of nearby Peniche and the mainland.

Constructed with robust limestone, the fortification boasts an imposing presence, its walls weathered by centuries of maritime exposure. Inside, a labyrinth of tunnels, chambers, and battlements reveal the intricate engineering and military prowess of its builders. Visitors can explore the fortress's inner workings, gaining insight into its military history through interactive exhibits and guided tours.

Beyond its military significance, the Fort of the Berlengas is steeped in maritime lore and natural beauty. Surrounded by crystal-clear waters and teeming marine life, the island offers unparalleled opportunities for snorkeling, diving, and exploration. Visitors can traverse rugged trails, discovering hidden coves and pristine beaches along the island's coastline.

Today, the Fort of the Berlengas stands not only as a testament to Portugal's rich maritime heritage but also as a beacon of conservation and eco-tourism. Protected as part of the Berlengas Nature Reserve, it serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving our natural and historical treasures for generations to come.

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