Forts, Fortifications, Citadels etc.

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Geez ... it sounds like you could be kept in one of the towers.
My hotel was opposite the main gate, which at the time that it was a fortress was impregnable, it still had the holes where boiling oil could be poured on an aggressor , and arrow slits in the sides. There were actually 3 gates like air locks today, you couldnt storm it. Every evening I used to go through the gate through the fortress to where the restaurants were. The photo is deceptive because that bridge is modern, in its time as a fortress Semur was surrounded on three sides by a river and steep cliffs.
France has some very beautiful old towns and villages that are well looked after and the food................................magnifique.
Semur was one of the few places I took my wife to for a holiday, a great region to visit. I worked (10 miles up the road) there in a stainless steel pipe factory which at first I thought was unusual for such a nice rural area. Then I visited the Abbey de Fontenay and found the monks there were working metals with water powered drop hammers hundreds of years ago.

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