Foto Fest 2016 Mk. IV

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In what must be one of the longest restoration projects in the history of the CWH, the Bolingbroke is moving at a glacial pace towards returning to the air. It must be at least 20 years in the making and each time I see it it is hard to say if any progress has been made. As much as I would lve to see her take to the sky I am beginning to think I will check out before it happens!


I thought I responded to the Bolly pic but I guess I didn't hit the "Post" button. Good ones Jeff and nice to see a Caribou in the mix too. I recall walking through that one at one time.
Good one Jeff. Always thought the Voodoo was the opposite of the old saying, "If it looks right, it is right" !
I always kind of liked her and would love to see one take to the sky.
One of my first air show memories was from the Hamilton Ontario Air Show back in about 1975 when 4 voodoos from Niagara Falls New York did a few fly bys. You could spot them when they were about 50 miles away with the long black cloud they all emitted.

Ahhh, the glory days of colour on aircraft and black soot by the bucketful pouring out the back end.


Oops yes I confused the Caribou and Buffalo. Thanks for the correction.

I also remember the Voodoos on the Toronto lake front air shows in the 70s. After a pass it seemed you could go get a hot dog, load it with the works and get back to your viewing spot in time for it to complete its turn for the next pass.

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