Found Model Vickers Vimy

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Feb 2, 2012
Two weeks ago, I was volenteering at the Fargo Air Museum. We went through the archives and found old broken models. One was a Vickers Vimy.
Vimy 001.jpg
Vimy 002.jpg
Vimy 003.jpg

I took it home to fix it.
Depends what bits are missing. For struts there are companies out there that produce long lengths of aerofoil-section plastic that can be cut to length and then have the ends shaped. pretty much everything else can be made out of plasticard or stretched sprue. You might also ask on the modelling sites in case someone out there has spare parts you can use.

If you can be more specific about which parts you need to replicate, I'm sure people on this site will be full of ideas for how to make new bits 'n pieces.
I need most of the tail section as you can see in the photo, front skid, wheels and 5 struts for it.

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