FTP Download

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 19, 2006
There are a ton of great resources on this site. I'd like to see the photos and videos stored on an FTP site for easy downloading. It would be pretty cool to have the ability to download 50 megs of photos and videos with one drag of the mouse.

Yes, the FTP host would cost money but for such a service, you may get donors or sponsors.

I suppose you'd need a "digital librarian" to xfer all the newly posted materials to the FTP. Perhaps a script can be written to automatically xfer the files.
There are a number of potential problems with having FTP access that would have to be vetted first. That alone is a daunting task. Then someone will have to gather every picture and every video on this site, categorize them and put them someplace that would make sense. Both of those are no small thing.

It wouldn't necessarily have to be retro active. As we know a FTP can be used as a shared "data tank" for anyone who has access. In a perfect world, anytime some one hits "upload", one copy will go into the thread and another copy will go to the FTP. The files can then be organized into folders by month.

The old stuff wouldnt have to be touched. It will probably be reposted evntually anyway. And there are bound to be some bored drunks out there (me) that could take it upon themselves to go through the archives and xfer old files. I sure some volunteers would donate 2 hours a week to update the FTP.

FTP access could be restricted to those who have been members for 6 months or more with over 200 posts... just to cut back on the nimrod factor.

I think money is more of a factor... I have no idea what FTP rental space would cost.
I am more concerned with the security aspects of FTP.

that is a big factor but...

During the upload phase the FTP can be "write only"

For download, people will have to use a FTP program or browser to access. Only 6 months and 200 posts will get you a password. The FTP could be automaticly backed up every night... There wont be that much. If there is any nastiness with the ftp, there will be a back-up.

The ftp itself can be seamlessly seperate from the site. Any ftp corruption wouldn't effect the site.
I know how FTP works, there are a number of security issues with the files themselves and potential copyright issues as well. FTP is an easy protocol to hack. Write only on upload doesn't buy you any additional security. There is limited control of what gets uploaded, and there is a huge potential for the spread of malware and viruses, trojans and the like.

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