FuG101a Radio Alti Meter aerials on BF-110G

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Staff Sergeant
Apr 13, 2011
I've recently started work on a BF-110G-4 1/48. Among the things I need to consider when building up the wing is the presence of the FuG101 Radio Alti Meter. Part of this decivce are two small aerials I've sofar spotted on the port wing of a few BF-110G-4. However, the Eduard instructions (going with my Weekend Edition) aren't quite clear on wether these aerials are on both wings or just on the port wing, and the ProfiPack editions of the G-4 doesn't mention these parts at all as being used.

I've looked hard through whatever photograpic reference material I have on the G-4 and on BF-110 that do show the FuG101a aerials (it seems to me this device wasn't used on every later type BF-110G) they seem to be only present on the port wing, however I haven't been able to establish wether they are on the starboard wing as well?

In other words, am I right when I assume the FuG101a aerials are only installed on the port wing, if installed at all? Or could they be on the starboard wing as well, or are they on both wings?
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FuG 101 antennae were typically only on one wing. I have a Kagero profile showing it on the port wing for the 110. Me 410's had them on starboard as did the He 219. Trying to find pics to confirm but they're often hard to see.
[...] but they're often hard to see.

That's extactly my experience. A lot of pics somehow appear to be take with the port side of the a/c facing the camera, so with a little staring at the pic it's rather easy to see if the antennae are there, but the starboard side is often rather invisible or indistint at best on those pics, so impossible to see if they might also be installed on the starboard side (as in on both sides or on starboard side alone). But still, if I choose to do so, a pretty good indication to go with glueing them in place on the port side wing of my 110G.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this matter sofar. Might seem like nitpicking to some, but after the apparent debacle with my CyberHobby BF-110D I want to get it right this time with my Eduard 'G'
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This is not nit-picking at all. I totally understand your desire to get it as accurate as possible. I think many of us on the forum strive for accuracy and it keeps the discussions fresh and interesting.

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