Radio Altimeters AYD. AYF Part 2

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Airman 1st Class
Sep 1, 2019
I have been picking through a few UK TNA files on fitting US altimeters to Coastal Command aircraft. The focus is on Sunderlands, Wellingtons, Halifaxes, Catalinas (possibly those made in Canada?) and Beaufighters. However there is comment that about 16 aircraft types had trial installations including five transport aircraft. For example a single Oxford was fitted for equipment trials.

Noticeably missing are US lend-lease aircraft such as B-24s, B-17s and Hudsons all of which had significant ASW roles. US-manufactured Catalinas are probably also not covered but that is all vague.

RAs arrived in the UK the summer of 1943 and trial installations were done in the main aircraft types. Fitting was then done retrospectively for all UK-made types. Catalinas are mentioned. I would have expected early Hudsons to be retrofitted but are not commented on.

Would the more recent B-24s, B-17s and Catalinas have arrived with RAs fitted as standard from the US? When did they start to be built-in in the US? UK manufacturers included the kit in their production lines but as late as 1944. It was complicated by different fitting specifications for most sub-models of each aircraft type and depending on the other electronics fit.

There is liaison between the UK and the US via the British Aircraft Commission in Washington but just looking forwards in the papers I have.
Found a further TNA comment confirming that B-24s and B-17s were all expected to arrive in the UK with AYD/AYF fitted. The B-17 status is a bit confusing as a couple of memos say that fitting had been cancelled. Maybe fitting was scheduled prior to realising that the ones destined for CC would be fitted during production.

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