Another might-have been.
Focke-Wulf were making a pitch towards RLM in hope for their Fw 187 V4 to be adopted in production and service. Memo from June 1938 notes that type should be very useful for escort of the bombers, with flight duration of more than 6 hours @ 375 km/h. That was possible due to sizable fuel load (2 x 245L of fuel in wing tanks, and 620L of fuel in the fuselage tank) and use of two engines of modest power and consumption - Jumo 210G, 670 PS at 3900m each. Fuel tanks were protected (I have no specific info about the type of protection actually used).
Weapon set up was 2 fixed LMGs + 1 LMG for the backseater, as well as two cannons. MG FFs with 60rd drums each, and MG 151 with a lot of ammo (up to 600 rds each (!)); granted, some time will pass until the 151 is in production.
Expected max speed was 547 km/h at 4900m ( although some 20 km/h less was attained IIRC in real tests).
Note that I don't have any firm data on the DB 601-powered Fw 187.
So - lets have RLM warmed up to the idea, and give it green light by September/October 1938. What developments can be expected (including the installation of more substantial engines, obviously), as well as what improvements should be done to the type so it can be an useful combat aircraft as the war progresses. The Allied response might be interesting.
Focke-Wulf were making a pitch towards RLM in hope for their Fw 187 V4 to be adopted in production and service. Memo from June 1938 notes that type should be very useful for escort of the bombers, with flight duration of more than 6 hours @ 375 km/h. That was possible due to sizable fuel load (2 x 245L of fuel in wing tanks, and 620L of fuel in the fuselage tank) and use of two engines of modest power and consumption - Jumo 210G, 670 PS at 3900m each. Fuel tanks were protected (I have no specific info about the type of protection actually used).
Weapon set up was 2 fixed LMGs + 1 LMG for the backseater, as well as two cannons. MG FFs with 60rd drums each, and MG 151 with a lot of ammo (up to 600 rds each (!)); granted, some time will pass until the 151 is in production.
Expected max speed was 547 km/h at 4900m ( although some 20 km/h less was attained IIRC in real tests).
Note that I don't have any firm data on the DB 601-powered Fw 187.
So - lets have RLM warmed up to the idea, and give it green light by September/October 1938. What developments can be expected (including the installation of more substantial engines, obviously), as well as what improvements should be done to the type so it can be an useful combat aircraft as the war progresses. The Allied response might be interesting.