Major General
Note enough data/information.Can you translate to the various figures in the Russian turn times test data, which seem to range from around 17 to 23 or 24 seconds to execute a turn?
Please look at the chart/s posted.
The Spitfire had a range of turns.
at 20 seconds for a 360 degree turn the Spit could fly at 150mph at around 2.3-2.4 Gs and fly just under a 700ft radius. It could also fly at a much higher speed over a wider radius and also complete the turn in 20 seconds.
Did the Russians test have a standard turn radius/diameter?
Was the Russian turn limited by needing to hold altitude or climb a certain amount while turning?
If we restrict the Spitfire to holding altitude and not diving the the best turn speed (least time) would be about 160mph and 19 seconds for the 360 degree turn. If you give the Spitfire 24 seconds for the turn you can fly a very tight circle at close to 130mph or you could fly a much wider circle at around 230mph in the same 24 seconds.
I believe (could be wrong) the Russian turn test was at 1000 meters (3280ft) which is not going compare well with 12,000ft (3657 meters)
Later fighters could turn better than early fighters from a practical standpoint because they had more thrust and could hold speed/turn/altitude better. The early fighter can turn as tight or tighter but it is going to loose altitude quicker. Look at the chart again. The Spitfire I could manage a 6 G turn at 350mph, it just had to have it's nose pointed down at just under 19 degrees to do it. Which, if I have done the math right and it may be way off) means the plane dropped just over 3000ft in that 17 second turn.
So yeah you could pull three 360 degree turns in just under minute flying at 350mph. You just need 9,000ft of altitude to do it. There is a reason that most dogfights/furballs ended at low altitude.