Thanks for the nice words Don and to you too Hugh.
I'll start with what I did on the port wall of the cockpit a couple of days ago The "before" pic below shows the rudimentary detail on the kit wall and the after pic shows the detail I added based on the photo discussed above. If you look closely on the before pic, you can see a scratched line which I use as a reference for the floor location.
The cockpit area was painted Tamiya Rubber Black and drybrushed with silver to bring out the detail. Not all of the lines seen in the photo have been added but I figured there's plenty there to represent the guts of it. That said, I discovered after the fact again that my Mk III layout was slightly different than the photo references so I'm not really kosher here. Don't tell anyone....
I also went back on what I said earlier and decided to depict the "bulkhead" behind the pilot as a khaki coloured fabric.This decision was based on my interpretation of
nsmekanik's pic showing the w/o and observer looking forward. Here you can see the same lines running down the wall as on the restoration pic with the fabric behind them. At any rate, here's what I came up with:
In the above pic, you can also see that I added the silver handle attached to the vertical frame which I take to be an emergency hydraulic pump. Various lines have also been added with lead wire and stretched sprue. On the now-painted pilot's position, you can see that I changed the trim box. The elevator trim, which is actually just a series of spokes with no wheel has not been added at this stage and just the rudder trim wheel is shown.
Moving now to the next compartment, I added the door which I cut from sheet styrene using the bulkhead opening as my template. With the door painted and swung to the open position, nothing of the wireless set-up nor the w/o's position will be seen through the cockpit glazing so I'm not going to bother painting all the details here. Had there been a window, I would have done so but I limited myself with just painting the area to roughly simulate the wooden floor and partition wall.
The other news is that I just used my yet-to-be-received Christmas money from my mother to buy the beautiful, pricey, but discontinued Eduard bomb-bay PE detail set. This detail set costs 3 times as much as I paid for this model though I got a good deal on the kit. Hopefully the detail set will arrive before the holidays but I won't hold my breath as we've had a postal strike here that is backlogging a lot of stuff. There's plenty to do before I get to that point anyway.
Once again, thanks for your interest and support.