GB-48 1/48 TBM-3 (1) - Carrier & Maritime Patrol A/C of WWII

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Good stuff Don, and no problem with the change as far as I'm concerned - but no more bl**dy Tennyson, I had to learn that by heart back in my school days (they still had gas lamps back then !!!).
Learning under gas light? Candles ?? What a novelty. No, you young man, some firery sticks in a circle of stones will do. Humbug to the rest of those modern contraptions.
I'm a bit confused Don, are you using this upgrade set on the Academy kit, or will you be using the old Monogram kit?
That's a really good question Glen. I picked up the Monogram kit to use for the conversion while I had a bid in on this. The Monogram kit is the only TBF-1 produced but it's not got an interior with using. I planned to hack and slash it backdate the Academy TBF/M-1C. But I did, at some expense, win this bid and now don't need the Monogram kit. It'll find a place in the stache so when I die my wife can put me on stills in the backyard and pile my kits and glue and paints etc... around me and light the funeral pyre and send me to model Valhalla.
That's a really good question Glen. I picked up the Monogram kit to use for the conversion while I had a bid in on this. The Monogram kit is the only TBF-1 produced but it's not got an interior with using. I planned to hack and slash it backdate the Academy TBF/M-1C. But I did, at some expense, win this bid and now don't need the Monogram kit. It'll find a place in the stache so when I die my wife can put me on stills in the backyard and pile my kits and glue and paints etc... around me and light the funeral pyre and send me to model Valhalla.
That's beautiful, man.
We really need to stop hijacking this thread with jocularity. If the kit is the Accurate miniatures molding, the old AM site could yield instructions about installing the rear turret. I have it book marked on my computer but cannot transfer the link since it seems to be undownloadable.
Far be it for us to be jocular.....

I kept a picture of the turret installation instructions:


The last part about gluing the shelf in is the worst part.
So as I'm sure most of you aero historians know the difference between the early TBF-1 and the the rest of the fleet I'll go over it briefly.

Colors, I asked Dana about the TBM/TBF colors for the interior. His reply was that the early TBF used a bronze green later would be a dark dull green. TBM early dark dull green later interior green. Just to be clear for the uninitiated in the subject, the TBF-1 is the original Grumman Avenger. The TBF-1C is the first major modification of the Grumman Avenger. That is where Grumman production ends. TBM-1 is the GM built version of the TBF-1 and the TBM-1C is the same for the TBF-1C. GM continued the production run to the TBM-3 and sub variants of the -3.

OK TBF-1, the TBF/TBM-1 came off the factory looking very much like the last TBM-3 did with some notable differences. The engine ring cowl had upper and lower inlets, the antenna was forward and forward racked on top of the canopy, there was a .30 cal machine gun in the upper right side of the cowling with the cowling having a trough run in the same place for it, this was deleted on the -1C, being replaced with two .50 cal forward firing guns in the wings, and the aft section of the fuselage had different windows with a round window in the door and one on the opposite side.
In the cabin behind the pilot was a second cockpit, this was deleted on the -1C.

The KMC conversion kit consist of the interior parts necessary to backdate the Academy TBF/M-1C to a F/M-1 as well as a replacement right cowl.

The Hobby Boss TBM/F series and the Academy series are spot on the same decisions at lest as far as the fuselage goes. though they do both go about this slightly different in construction.
The dark grey is the AM/Academy with the lighter being the Hobby Boss.

Getting started. I cut the side off the resin cockpit floor and mounted in the upper ceiling of the kit weapons bay and added the pilot seat and bulkhead and control stick. this is a comparison of the kit part v the KMC replacement.


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