GB-63 1/48 Macchi Mc.200 Saetta – Stormy Weather

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Vic Balshaw

Major General
Jul 20, 2009
Username: Vic Balshaw
First name: Vic
Category: Advanced
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Italeri No 2815

Aires 4823, Resin Wheels Set. Eduard Mask EX314 Mask Set. Kits World 3D Printer. W3D148018, Seat Belts. Kits World 3D Printer KW3D1481068, Cockpit Detail. Master AM-48-053 Armament. Quick Boost QB 48 350, Resin Exhaust. True Details 48031 Wheel Set. Some of these may or may not be used.

For my second entry I have chosen the MC.200 of Capitano Giorgio Iannicelli.

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MC.200 flown by Capitano Giorgio Iannicelli, 369a ​Squadriglia, 22o ​Gruppo Autonomo, Stalino, December 1941.
Born in June 1912 Iannicelli joined the Regia Accademia Navale but by November 1930 had transferred to the Regia Aeronautica Italiana. Promoted to Pilot Captain in July 1937 he saw service with the Aviazione Legionaria in the Spanish Civil War where he was awarded the Croce di Guerra al Valor Militare, gained his first of two Medaglia di Bronzo al Valor Militare and the first of three Medaglia D'argento al Valor Militare. With Italy entering WWII, Iannicelli was involved in a number of campaigns against France, Greece and Yougoslavia before being assigned in August 1941 to the 22o ​Gruppo Autonomo, Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Russia (C.S.I.R) (Italian Expeditionary Force in Russia.)) On the 29 December 1941 Iannicelli took off from Zaporižžja airfield to counter a Soviet bombing raid on the Italian lines. In this action he engaged single handedly a strong force of Soviet fighters and was subsequently shot down and killed. For his actions Iannicelli was posthumously awarded the Medaglia D'oro al Valor Militare.

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:lol: :lol:

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