You're welcome guys. It's a learning experience for me too. I have Eduard's new Spitfire XVI in the stash and know how I'll proceed with that.
Anyhow, I didn't want to clutter the above thread with other stuff I did today because I linked it to the tutorial thread. Here are a couple of other things done today.
I gave the model an overall wash with thinned artist oils in the panel lines, around the engine, and streaked it back subtly over all surfaces. After that had dried, I sprayed the model with Tamiya Flat Clear as described above.
The landing gear was installed and this is a bit tricky. The struts fit into very small slots and need to be jiggled into place so that a pin on the back of the strut locks into a tiny hole on the wheel well wall. For this, I didn't follow the instructions, which would have you assemble the strut, wheel, and cover before inserting the whole thing into the wing. I had enough trouble as it was and managed to snap off one of the torque links while I was pushing the strut into place. In the below pic, the wheels are still loose and await gluing when I can stand the model upright onto the flat spots.
The tail wheel is another frustration. The good news is that Eduard leaves it out until near the end of the build so you don't end up breaking it off. The bad news is that you need a guy who's about 5mm tall to crawl into the well and guide the damned thing into the slot that it's supposed to fit in. The thing has to go in on an angle and you can't bloody see where you're going! It took several tries and, to be honest, I'm still not sure it's properly fitted.
With the flat coat applied, I was excited to peel off the canopy masks. Note the NMF frames, unlike the fully yellow frames Eduard call up. The bare aluminum ones are clearly seen in the reference pics on page 1.
I was surprised and annoyed to see the frosted bit on the base of the windscreen. This wasn't there when I glued the clear part in and must have developed over time. Dang...
The sliding hood also had the masks removed and I've loosely fit it into place so you can see what it will look like. I mentioned earlier that the thing is too narrow at the bottom and I will need to find a way to get it over the rails and secured.
That's it for today. I'm going to pour a glass of wine and reflect.