**** DONE: GB-64 1/48 P-51D ( II ) - One Trick Pony (1 Viewer)

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Appreciated gentlemen. Being an aircraft on tour, there doesn't seem to be much weathering in the photos; looks like the area between the cockpit and the nose and even then not much. I used my mixture of Future-like clear and Citadel Agrax Earthshade and using a 3/0 brush, ran it into the panel lines and rivets. I really like this mix. It doesn't require cleanup like Tamiya Panel liner and builds up slowly. I ran it along the very tiny panel line on the ailerons and couldn't see any staining. Gonna flat coat before the game, get some pics up and then get some "dirt" and the wear areas of the wings
Pics before flat coat. This mix isn't 100% the answer but if you don't want overpowering panel lines, it works for me



Thanks Hugh. Flat coated with Winsor & Newtons Matte. Painted the tires Tamiya Tire Black. Something wonky with the paint. Stirred the crap out of it and even though its a flat paint, I have a shiny finish; I tried three different bottles, two already had been used without problem

Thanks Guys. javlin javlin After this GB Imma thinkin' about cleaning up my "to be continued" kits and selling off some of the stash. A lot of the ones I want to sell off are Testors and some earlier Monogram jets. I got them dirt cheap off of eBay and I can sell them cheaper than what I see others are selling the for and still make a profit....$80US for shipping from the US of A, I don't think so. Same Testors P-51D, I can sell for under 80$, shipping included worldwide and still make a small profit which will go to better kits
Waiting for little bits to dry so I'm playing with backgrounds for the finals. The black shows the O.D. and other colours good but washes out panel lines....


....so a toss up between powder blue and light grey



I still have a white sheet that needs to be trimmed to size, maybe tomorrow
That's amazing the difference in using alternative backgrounds. I'll need to give that a shot!

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