German labour camp for Polish children (1942- 1945)

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Nov 9, 2005

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Thank you for posting. My family immigrated to the US prior to the First War. My father's parents prospered and purchased a Farm in NJ in 1923. My father had told me his father wanted to sell the farm in the 30s and move back to Poland, my Grandmother said No. After reading this it makes me think my father and uncles may have ended in one of these camps had they returned.
Thank you for posting. My family immigrated to the US prior to the First War. My father's parents prospered and purchased a Farm in NJ in 1923. My father had told me his father wanted to sell the farm in the 30s and move back to Poland, my Grandmother said No. After reading this it makes me think my father and uncles may have ended in one of these camps had they returned.
Thank God for your grandmother's wisdom!

Murdering Poles -- and all other Slavic peoples -- was high on the list of Germany's war goals. Not as high as murdering Jews and Roma, but it was certainly high on the list.
Thank you for posting. My family immigrated to the US prior to the First War. My father's parents prospered and purchased a Farm in NJ in 1923. My father had told me his father wanted to sell the farm in the 30s and move back to Poland, my Grandmother said No. After reading this it makes me think my father and uncles may have ended in one of these camps had they returned.
Your grandmother was a fortune-teller, IMO ...

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