German Luftwaffe manuals .....

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May 15, 2006
Hello all.....

I`m the Webmaster of Deutsche Luftwaffe Cockpitinstrumente Homepage Titelseite Instrumente Gertebrett Baumuster or Deutsche Luftwaffe Cockpitinstrumente Homepage Titelseite Instrumente Gertebrett Baumuster as you know.

On this way I would kindly ask you all for help to get more Luftwaffe Aircraft manuals on to my side for free for everyone !

I`m search for the Do 335 manuasl (Bedienungsanleitung) or any of this aircraft. If you got this in "original" not as a copy !!

I would be glade to put in in to the webside in pdf. file or you can contact me over my webside ?!

I``m also looking for other original german Luftwaffe manuals for scanning ? Please contact me..

thanks for yours great support and offers....

wish you all a happy new year... Lets go on with hart work

best regards


First off Welcome Erwin,

Second I wish I had the manaul you where talking about as I would like to help. You have a great website that I have visited many times. Many thanks for the many manuals.

I do have several original Do-335 manuals. It may take some time to find them since my entire basement is full of boxed manuals and we just moved a few months ago. I'll let you know when I find them. Thanks Erwin for the great and informative website.... thank goodness I can read German!

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