Staff Sergeant
I would say that the Panzer IV with the "longer barrel" was comparable if not better than the T-34-76 in technical aspects.
Yes, but the long barrel PZ IVs (Ausf F2/Ausf G with the L/43 75 mm cannon) appeared in direct response to German experiences of encountering the T-34 on the battlefield. The original prototype had the 50 mm L/60 cannon, but the 75 mm was rapidly redesigned to allow it to be shoehorned into the new turret.
The long barrel Pz IV was certainly superior in some respects, including the main armament, targeting optics, radios, general layout, turret arrangements and crew ergonomics.
However, it lagged the T-34 in armour protection and general mobility - two of the three key areas of armour performance - and the L/43 was only marginally superior to the 7.62 cm gun. The underlying design elements of the T-34 - wide stance, sloped heavy armour, powerful deisel engine, heavy cannon from the outset - were better than that of the Pz IV, but it was let down by a lack of attention to detail and a rush to get it into service. The T-34, by the assesment of the Germans themselves - see commentary by Guderian and von Kleist - was the finest tank in the world in 1941.
If you want to make an ideal tank for 1941, you'd probably take the armour scheme and general arrangement of the T-34, give it a more spacious three-man turret with better hatches and vision arrangements and marry it to German running gear and German interior design and then build it in German factories.