I have recently found the below scans which i believe they are from USSBS, dealing with german fighters and destroyers production by factory (though they lump there the Ju-87 production too, very interesting as well anyway). One can see the deleterious effect of the Me-210 failure on destroyer production, perhaps the same reason Ju-87 production dropped too. However the scan only shows the period up to 1943.
This is why i'm curious to see bomber production figures from the same source, to see the effect of the He-177 failure on general bomber production, and particularly to see which factory had to stop producing what to built the He-177.
So i'd like to ask if anyone has access to these USSBS figures, and perhaps up to 1945 for both bombers as well as destroyers and fighters? Or maybe that particular report might be available to download from somewhere, like many of the japanese aircraft industry reports are (or where)?
Many thanks.

This is why i'm curious to see bomber production figures from the same source, to see the effect of the He-177 failure on general bomber production, and particularly to see which factory had to stop producing what to built the He-177.
So i'd like to ask if anyone has access to these USSBS figures, and perhaps up to 1945 for both bombers as well as destroyers and fighters? Or maybe that particular report might be available to download from somewhere, like many of the japanese aircraft industry reports are (or where)?
Many thanks.