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Mar 15, 2018
Hi guys,

I have a couple of questions about Il2 and just noticed you have a sub-forum for it. I haven't made an account on any other forums in a while and this one seems to have a pretty nice culture so I thought I'd ask here and see if anyone can answer for me before I went through the process to set up an UbiSoft account or whatever.

I am a long-time fan of Il2 and used to fly online. For a few years my job and some other issues interfered with playtime to such an extent that I had to shut it down for a while. I also had a computer die on me and got another one (a Win 8 machine, sadly, but it runs reasonably well)

Last year at some point I found the old Il2-1946 (etc.) on Steam and installed it. This was a nice surprise as I remember in the old days having to wade through dozens of sketchy websites to D/L all the patches for Il2 that you needed just to play a decent game. I've been playing offline and building up my skills. Recently I decided to see if Hyperlobby was still around and take the plunge into online play again. I have a limited setup with just a twisty joystick and no track IR or VR setup, let alone rudder pedals etc. But I found I couldn't quite get Hyperlobby working. I made an account and linked it to my Il2 install and everything but when I connect, right after I hear that encouraging engine startup sound, it says "Hyperlobby has disconnected you" or "The Server has disconnected you" or something.

So here are my questions in no particular order.
  • Is Hyperlobby working and are there still active Il2 / 1946 servers running?
  • Will Hyperlobby run properly on Win 8
  • Is there any other online server where you can fly Il2?
  • How close is the new Il2/Stalingrad / Moscow to being mature? Last I heard many of the flight models were still a bit off.
  • What do folks in here play, old or new or both?
Thanks in advance,

Haven't played the ill2 games for a long time, especially since I moved to Linux about 9 years ago. So I cannot help you there. But still a very warm welcome to you

Thanks! Dual boot is a thing... just sayin.
Hi all,

There are several options for sims catering to different users. Here's a (very subjective) run-through of what I have tried:

Warthunder: Very arcade but most popular. Also draws a more immature crowd. Free engine but addons cost $$$.

DCS: Requires a fancier computer rig. VR available & modern graphics. I have the Huey addon, which flies very close to the real thing. Online community is big but often immature. For active duty folks, be aware that the parent company is state sponsored and you are the target audience (loose lips sink ships!). There's a Spitfire/109 set I haven't tried, which I heard are pretty good, but the implementation is off for the time period. Free game engine but paid addons.

IL-2 Cliffs of Dover: Battle of Britain sim was released quite buggy years back but is currently being updated again. Runs good on older machines with a good CPU. Small but very helpful online community (avg age 45 per a recent survey). More technical than most sims with detailed flight modeling and engine management. Realistic navigation (I use the original maps) and bombers have functional bombardier/gunner positions with multi-crew capability online. New version is being developed for the North Africa campaign. You can sometimes pick it up on sale for $10 on Steam. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but as an airplane nerd this one's still my favorite. My favorite part is the online community. On Saturdays, I can fly with Aussies/Kiwis in the morning, Europeans (Brits/Germans) in afternoon, and my pals in the evening. There's a few combat vets in there that I've enjoyed flying with.

IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad/+Addons: Compared to Cliffs of Dover it is a lot simpler in terms of systems management but with some more eye candy and has VR. Requires a faster PC. A lot of addons cost $$$$. The base map is quite bland but some addons ($$$) are nice. The online community is beefy, but still has a lot of "Call of Duty" kids flying around. We had to mute a drunk guy the other day who was jabbering about his girlfriend giving him a rubic's cube. etc. I enjoy it still.


Well... that IS interesting. I didn't know Cliffs of Dover had been revived. My only real issue with that version was the limited plane set, so a North Africa Campaign sounds really good. May have to download that. Who is doing the Dev work on it, 1C?

I'm a bit leery of BOM / BOS etc. because of forum threads I've read which make it sound like the flight models are still pretty far off.

What game was the video from? That was a good shot...
Hi Schweik,

The video is from Cliffs of Dover (I'm working with my squad mates near Cap Gris Nez, France).

Dev work is being done by Team Fusion Simulations under contract with 1C. They recently acquired access to the source code to improve on it. If you wait for a steam sale, one purchase will buy the whole thing pretty cheap (no pay as you go stuff).

The Air Tactical Assault Group (ATAG) helped me out a lot to get started. Many there are available on all timezones to help people get started on comms. You just have to ask is all.

No flight sim is going to be perfect. A lot of pilots and mechanics (I'm an A&P/IA, 13 yrs, with helis & warbirds) like it because of the detail, but as I said it might not be everyone's cup of tea.

Here are the updated flyable aircraft (many new) available with flight models improved to match their type certificates. Cockpits are clickable. There are many more available (particularly Spits, Hurris, Ju-88, He-111, etc). I've been spending hours learning the Ju-88's systems. It's an endless rabbit hole.

New/Updated Flyable:
Bf-109 E-1B (Early Fighter-Bomber)

Bf-109 E-4N (DB601N engine and 100 octane fuel)

Bf-109 E-4/E-4B and E-4N versions with added armor for fuel tank and pilot
Bf-110 C-2

Bf-110 C-4_Late

Bf-110 C-4B (Early Fighter-Bomber)
Bf-110 C-4N (DB601P engines with 100 octane fuel)
Bf-110 C-4NJG (Night-Fighter)
Bf-110 C-6 (Heavy 30mm Cannon armed version)

Blenheim Mk.IV_Late (twin gun rear turret and extra bomb-load)
Blenheim Mk.IV F (Heavy Day-Fighter)
Blenheim Mk.IV F_Late (Twin-gun rear turret and extra bomb-load)
Blenheim Mk.IV NF (Night-Fighter)
Blenheim Mk.IV NF_Late (Twin-gun rear turret and extra bomb-load)

Spitfire Mk.I 100 octane

Hurricane DH-520-100 octane
Hurricane Mk.I NF (Night-Fighter)

Hurricane Mk.I FB (Fighter-Bomber)

Beaufighter Mk.I F

Beaufighter Mk.I NF (Night-Fighter)

DH-82A-1 (Field Mod armed Tiger Moth)

DH-82A-2 (Czechoslovakian armed Tiger Moth)

DH-82A (Battle of Britain Tiger Moth version with bomb carrying capacity)

Non-flyable updated:
Sunderland added bomb capacity
Blenheim Mk.IF (Heavy Day-Fighter)
Blenheim Mk.INF (Night-Fighter)

Video from Squad mate:
Last edited:
Good overview of current combat airsims done by FluxCapacitance FluxCapacitance

One interesting thing about War Thunder. It was included in Nvidia GeForce Now library of games so it can be played on not so modern desktops/laptops subject there is good Internet connection. But joystick support is problematic so you'll have to use keyboard or some game controller.

Just to remind that old Il-2 Sturmovik 1946 is very much alive and kicking. We might see new release of stock game soon with flyable MBR-2 and Li-2 and (hopefully) He 177 and something else.
Read more there:
IL-2 Sturmovik - Official 1C Company forum

As for modded versions of Il-2 Sturmovik 1946, there is BAT with its "portfolio" of over 1700 (yes, over one thousand seven hundred) aircraft models. Yes, some of them have questionable flight models and many are with borrowed cockpits, etc. But still... over 1700 . And extensive collection of maps - over 200. And small but active modders community.
Look for BAT here:
BAT Downloads
What do you actually have to download to get that BAT mod working? Or is it a bunch of different mods?
What do you actually have to download to get that BAT mod working? Or is it a bunch of different mods?

It is a bunch indeed, but all components are working together quite well.
You start with clean install of IL-2 1946 then patch it with SAS 4.12.2 Mega Patch then install BAT installation files then do some check ups and then install so-called expansion packs (more planes, etc.).
It is explained there:
Looks complicated on the first sight but if you like IL2 1946, you'll not regret. When in doubt, you can ask for advise on SAS forum.

The only "weakness" of BAT is that it does not work well in multiplay (yet some guys try that). It was not designed for that.
It excels in individual offline playing, especially if you are interested in creating your own missions (through FMB - Full Mission Builder) or if you like to play missions/campaigns created by others. Historical, quasi historical, alternate history...whatever.

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