Good Cutaway Books?

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Dec 11, 2006
I was wondering if anyone could suggest some good cutaway books of WWII aircraft (especially ones that have drawings of Italian aircraft of different types). I already have Illustrated Anatomy of the World's Fighters ( Illustrated Anatomy of the World's Fighters: Books: William Green,Gordon Swanborough)
and it only has the Re 2001, Fiat G.50, CR. 32, CR42, and MC 200.
I have also ordered Aircraft Anatomy of World War II ( Used and New: Aircraft Anatomy of World War II)
which I haven't received yet, so I'm hoping it'll have a whole bunch more!
Thanks to Micdrow, I also now have cutaways of the MC202 and Re2005 (which are much appreciated!).
If anyone could tell me where to find a cutaway of the Fiat G.55 on the internet (or even post it) that would be AWESOME!

Thanks a bunch - this forum kicks @$$!
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