Good reference for P-47 Thunderbolt variants?

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Don't know of a web sight, but P-47 Thunderbolt in Detail Scale by Bert Kinzy is an excellent reference for the differences between the models of the P-47. Anything in particular you need to know? I did quite a bit of research into it myself a few years ago when I was starting my 1:1 P-47 cockpit.
Thanks. I do have that book, but it is boxed up and under a bunch of other books after a room remodel. What I am trying to remember is which model switched the langing light position from near the wheel well to the outer wing?
I had a web-site bookmarked at one time that listed the breakdown of mods from on variant to the next, but can't find it any more.
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I checked the Kinzy book and he shows the light in both positions but does not specify when the change took place although his line drawing of the P-47D-40-RA shows it out near the wingtip. I have pictures of a P-47N has the light near the wing tip, as well as pictures of two different P-47D-30s that also show it neat the wing tip so I would say the earliest model that could have it would be the P-47D-25 although I'm not sure.
I seem to remember it was somewhere between the D-27 and D-30 models? Just trying to confirm it, but don't remember exactly where I read it as it was long, long ago in a galaxy not so far away.
I could only find one source that shows the undersides of a D-25 and a D-30 with the light moved out on the D-30. Still looking for a shot of a D-27.


EDIT: Found this on the Web,

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Could you give me the link to the site you found that on? I'm starting to think the D-30 was the first model with the light out toward the tip.
I do know that there were a lot of changes made with the D-30 (flat cockpit floor, new control panel, new main switch breaker panel) so I think that would be a good guess, but without seeing a D-27 I can't be sure.
Just had a thought. The compressibility flaps were added I believe on the D-30 (I can check this in the Kinzy Book as I know it's stated there) and the position of those flaps was very near the original position of the landing light just behind the landing gear well. That could be the reason the light was moved out near the wing tip.
The America's Hundred Thousand book also gives the D-30 being the 1st version with dive flaps.
Sorry about the lack of a link Buck. When I find something on the WEB that catches my fancy I use this snipping tool.
Once I size it and label it I put it in a sub-folder(P-47) and then bury it in a main folder(USAAF) to be long forgotten.

No problem about the link, but the America's Hundred Thousand book looks interesting, looks like a trip to the local library during my lunch hour to check out a copy.

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