Major General
I have posted this before, many people focus on a few things , like trucks or tanks or P-39 airplanes.
How about things like
Armor plate, no alloy, not fabricated 39,283,679 lbs.
Ferrochrome 7,820,3l3 lbs.
Ferromolybdenum 5,357,500 lbs.
Ferrovanadium 1,074,190 lbs.
Welding rods & wire, excl. electric 8,088,498 lbs.
Steel bars, cold finished 425,331,742 tons
Lathes 2,644
Turret lathes 3,073
Engine lathes & bench type 999
Engine, incL tool-room lathes 3,340
Electric locamotives railway mining 87
Steam turbine generator sets 991
Cars, railway, freight, over 10 ton 9,029
in the section for 1945
Trinitrotoluene (TNT) 31,831,984 lbs.
The trucks were important but they were part of the visible lend lease.
The behind the scenes stuff allowed the Russians to fabricate a lot of their own weapons from materials supplied to them.
Please spend some time going through the list, there is some fluff or items that would not make a lot of difference but there is an awful lot of stuff that helped the Russians build the quantity of materials (tanks, trucks, guns, shells) that rolled out of their own factories.
How about things like
Armor plate, no alloy, not fabricated 39,283,679 lbs.
Ferrochrome 7,820,3l3 lbs.
Ferromolybdenum 5,357,500 lbs.
Ferrovanadium 1,074,190 lbs.
Welding rods & wire, excl. electric 8,088,498 lbs.
Steel bars, cold finished 425,331,742 tons
Lathes 2,644
Turret lathes 3,073
Engine lathes & bench type 999
Engine, incL tool-room lathes 3,340
Electric locamotives railway mining 87
Steam turbine generator sets 991
Cars, railway, freight, over 10 ton 9,029
in the section for 1945
Trinitrotoluene (TNT) 31,831,984 lbs.
The trucks were important but they were part of the visible lend lease.
The behind the scenes stuff allowed the Russians to fabricate a lot of their own weapons from materials supplied to them.
Please spend some time going through the list, there is some fluff or items that would not make a lot of difference but there is an awful lot of stuff that helped the Russians build the quantity of materials (tanks, trucks, guns, shells) that rolled out of their own factories.
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