But, there is still the point that there is no proof that redirecting convoys was saving shipping and that not redirecting convoys was causing losses
British convoys were now rerouted away from areas where U-boats were operating. The odds in the Battle of the Atlantic began to even.
Through the summer of 1941, U-boat attacks greatly diminished. The fact that U-boats were having less success against convoys at the same time that the U-boat fleet was finally growing puzzled Dönitz.

The Codebreakers’ War in the Atlantic
Britain appeared doomed until the German naval codes were cracked.

[Emphasis added -- Thump]
The dramatic decline in sinkings (compared with those that had occurred during the first five months of 1941) cannot be explained other than that Ultra gave the British a crucial edge over their undersea opponents. No new technology, no increase in escorts, and no extension of air coverage can be credited. Ultra alone made the difference.

Ultra Code Breakers: The Misunderstood Allied Secret Weapon
Ultra code-breaker intelligence was key to the Allied victory — but also sometimes squandered.

The Allies were trying just as hard to route the convoys away from where the wolf packs were forming, and the failure to do so in late March 1943 was a factor in the high convoy losses.
H-019-4 "Black May": Battle of the Atlantic 1943
H-Gram 019, Attachment 4 Samuel J. Cox, Director NHHC June 2018
Our primary defensive operations were concerned with routing convoys and the "Queens" 2 which, because of their high speed, operated independently. We in combat intelligence were in constant touch with the convoy and routing watch officers. A change in U-boat dispositions, such as the German wolfpacks, would immediately be noted and routing changes made.
''German U-Boats were at the close of 1941, nowhere close to isolating and strangling Britain .''
''Wolf pack tactics were on the whole a failure ''.
This drop-off was a direct result of rerouting.
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