Group Build Icons

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Nov 16, 2008
Maybe I missed another post on this but I wanted to get a quick shout-out to Wojtek for keeping the GB icons going. I know that several people were asking for the icons to be resumed but am not sure anyone has noticed.

Great work my friend!
Thank you very much Andy. :)

And again sorry for that belated updating of everybody's icon set. Also please let me know if there is a lack of any icon of the set.
Oh yes! Just noticed this! I was one of the ones requesting that the icons be kept up to date so... THANK YOU Wojtek! They look really cool!
I hadn't noticed either. I'm sorry wotjek. its much appreciated.

ive always liked the icons. For me they are significant.....its a measure of peoples commitment to the GB system. I wear them with a lot of pride to be honest.
Sort of, possibly looked like a giant carp coming at him
Oh lord, that is more than just a little disturbing that your secret objective with the professor?????

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