Guess the Plane......?

Guess the Plane....?

  • Convoy Escort

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  • Transport

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  • Bomber

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fighter

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  • Anti-submarine patrol

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rescue

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Senior Airman
Feb 19, 2004
This plane type if known as a Mitsubishi F1M 'Pete' and (as you may have guessed) was a Japanese aircraft used during World War Two - i have included a link to the best qualitiy photo of this model i can find - not everyone knows about this fairly modest biplane BUT can you guess what this aircraft was used for?

Try to do it without loading up a search engine or frantically looking through your books -impress me by guessing - thats the point of this exercise 8)

that fin on the bottom of the plane(excuse me if it ahs a techinal name) looks as if it is designed for use in water....maybe as an anti submarine or possibly as a search patrol.....its a good one me wondering....
If it's an anti-sub type, where can it carry torpedoes or depth charges? Don't seem that it had a big bomb load, so I think that it's a maritime observation plane :rolleyes: (without searching information).
MITSUBISHI F1M2 'PETE' ... i only now this because we have one for EAW ;) Its an IJNAF job.


  • f1m2petepaw_1_.jpg
    17.4 KB · Views: 2,552
Well dumbass me :shock: i thought you we had to guess what it was but i reread the post and you already had the name in it :rolleyes: .

I would think it was recon/observ/rescue myself and maybe even anti sub .
<puts on fake German accent>

Of Courze, vot ve are seeink here is ze vell-known Japanese Esperanto Zociety's Fighter aircraft. Zis unuzual flugzeug .. umm.. aircraft, voz uzed to drop leaflets in Ezperanto on ze defenzlezz Chineze peazants. For zese und udder Var-crimez the JES voz zent to trial in 1945.

C.C i think you and lanc should change the pictures you have on your signatures...either different planes or just different pictures of the same aircraft - its getting boring looking at the same pictures all the time :lol:

whatdya think?
In actual fact i started this thread as a bit of a trick simply to amuse myself - the Mitsubishi 'Pete' was actually used for all those things: Quite amazing really- i think only one person got the answer correct but to be honest i think they probably cheated and looked it up (you know who you are ;) )

I myself was so surprised to read that it was actually used as a sucessful dogfighter during the Pacific campaign that i thought it would be cool for you guys at the forum to try and guess - Apparently the only thing it wasn't very good at was dropping bombs accurately - its most bizare job was to fly over American coastal naval bases and fire its machine guns (not nessasarily at anything) in order to keep the Americans awake and disturb their sleep as much as possible to keep them on their toes all night - it earned the nickname 'washing machine charlie' cos it made alot of noise and kept everyone awake! :D - all in all an amazing plane and although not everyone has heard of them i certainly think it could (and should) be considered by biplane enthusiasts as one of the most versatile biplanes of WW2
Samu said:
If it's an anti-sub type, where can it carry torpedoes or depth charges? Don't seem that it had a big bomb load, so I think that it's a maritime observation plane :rolleyes: (without searching information).

I don't think it was used to actually destroy enemy subs - probably just to detect them and radio their location back to HQ - although having said that it was capable of carrying a couple of 132lb bombs so maybe it could carry a depth charge under each wing...anyone here know how much a depth charge weighs?? :lol:

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