Guys, can you help me find 2 interesting aircraft photographs I once saw on the net??

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Capt. Vick

Jul 23, 2008
Long Island, New York
At one time I stumbled across the following two very interesting (to me) pictures on the internet, but sadly forgot to bookmark or save them! :cry:

So I was wondering if any of my fellow aviation brothers in this forum can give me a hand in locating one or both of these pictures on the internet?

Any help would be appreciated.

The first picture I'm looking for purportedly shows the Japanese experimental Kawasaki Ki-78 "Ken" being destroyed by the Americans, specifically being crushed by a bulldozer driven by a smiling GI, at a Japanese airbase at war's end. Visible is the windscreen forward poking out from under the bulldozers tracks.

The second picture is of the mostly whole remains of one of the He-118 (dive bomber?) sold to Japan pre-war, possibly in Japanese markings, abandoned among other Japanese aircraft, again at a Japanese mainland airbase. The main subject of the photo is (again) a smiling GI posing amidst the wreckage of a recently defeated enemy. However, by pure luck, to the left of him (I believe) was captured possibly the final image of this rare aircraft before its inevitable destruction.

Thanks Regards, Jim (Capt. Vic)
You mean this one?


p.s found the pic at entered japanese aircraft in the searchbar. Didn't see the other though.


  • Ki-78_ken_high-speed-test-prototype_crushed_Gifu_1945-W-1.jpg
    192.1 KB · Views: 211
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Kingscoy and Wurger, thank you very much! That it! One down, one to go!

Since I missed on the bulldozer part I would like to suggest a name for this picture: "M7 Priest administering last rights to Kawasaki Ki-78 Ken"

Thanks again, Jim

The hunt continues!
Are you sure it was the He-118 in the picture or it might have been the Yokosuka D4Y Suisei ?

However it could be that one of three planes .... shipped to Japan in 1937 ( the bottom picture) .

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No, as hard as it is to believe that something like that could have survived the entire war virtually intact, it definitely was the Heinkel He-118 (or as renamed by the Japanese, DXHe1) in the picture and NOT the inline engine version of the Yokosuka D4Y Suisei, which supposedly was based on it.

Thanks for all your help! Please keep looking lads!

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